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University Outreach 

Uzhgorod is home to about 20,000 University, College, and Tech School students- nearly 20% of Uzhgorod's population and there is NO existing evangelistic outreach ministry to t....See more


Samson Clarkson


Families in Crisis

Ukraine has set as its goal to transition from orphan care to foster care by 2024.  Towards that end we are actively involved with other local organizations and the city Social...see more


Jennifer Everett

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Rroma Communities

There are 5000 Rroma living within five impoverished settlement camps within the city limits of Uzhhorod.  Most Rroma have never attended school, and those who have, the...see more

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Douglas Landro


IDP and Refugee Families

On February 24, 2022, Russian forces invaded peaceful Ukraine and began levelling its cities to rubble using internationally illegal bombs.  Within the first two weeks, 2.7...see more

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Douglas Landro

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