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University outreach 

Uzhhorod is home to about 20,000 University, College, and Tech School students-
nearly 20% of Uzhhorod's population and apart from One Collective there is NO
existing evangelistic outreach ministry to them. With the war in the East, thousands
of international medical students have moved to our Uzhhorod National University.
Most of these students come from Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist countries closed to
Christian work. And their language of training is in English making even the newest
team members able to build relationships. We have a strategic opportunity to share
Christ with these students and spend six years discipling them. And when they
return to their countries, Christ will use them to further His kingdom there.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age
                                                      - Matthew 28:19-20

We have developed an effective three-step process of reaching these nations who
have come to us.

Step One: Build relationships. We have started Connections Café which is a welcome
and comfortable place where students can eat, study, play, and get connected. Every
Saturday night we have a university club where students can gather for recreation.
We have table games, billiards, ping pong, and Sony PlayStation. Music videos are
playing and sometimes we offer an open mic night where students have the
opportunity to show off their talents. On Sunday evenings we offer English movie
night and once a month we plan a hiking excursion for those looking for a little more

Step Two: Go Deeper. These activities function as a funnel for our team and
volunteers to go deeper by inviting them to smaller gatherings around the city for a
discussion over a meal. It is here where we share about Jesus and answer their
questions about Christianity.

Step Three: Discipleship. We do not wait until they come to Christ to begin
discipleship. During the deeper conversations we invite them into a small
discipleship group where they are led into a relationship with Christ and coached to
go deeper in this new relationship. Finally, they are trained to disciple others for
when they return to their home countries.

How you can partner with us in this ministry:

1. Pray. Become a strategic prayer partner and sign up to receive our prayer
letters. You can sign up at the bottom of this page.

2. Come. Prayerfully consider joining our team. We are looking for team
members to come two or more years to serve in this ministry. Or consider
coming as an intern for three months. Or maybe you might organize a short-
term trip with others for a week or two.


3. Give. There are several ways you can help us reach these students with the
finances with which the Lord has blessed you. You might consider becoming a
supporter of one of our team members. Samson Clarkson is one of those
international medical students who came to Christ during his studies in
Ukraine, has been discipled by our team, and has chosen to remain in Ukraine
to lead this ministry. We also need to pay rent and utilities on for Connections
Café. We have one donor who graciously covers 40% of our rent. And the
Café sales cover our utilities. We are still in need of $450 a month to keep our
doors open.

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